Series News

The new promotion of Hande Erçel’s new project Bambaşka Biri has been released!

The new promotion of Hande Erçel’s new project Bambaşka Biri has been released!

The new promotion of FOX’s new series Bambaşka Biri has been released, starring Hande Erçel and Burak Deniz and making a big impression with its first promotion.

Excitement continues to increase for the brand new series of FOX, Bamkeş Biri, produced by TİMS&B Productions and produced by Timur Savcı and Burak Sağyaşar.

The story began to emerge gradually in the new promotion of the series, which brought together successful actors Hande Erçel and Burak Deniz after years.

Bambaşka Biri 1. Bölüm 1. Fragmanı

The brutal murder of Hamdi Atilbay in the forest crosses the paths of young prosecutor Leyla, who wants to leave her messy past behind and now establish a new order, and Kenan, an ambitious journalist who has a regular and famous life.

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Ethem Özışık writes the script of the series, in which Burak Deniz gives life to the character of Kenan Öztürk, one of the most famous newscasters in Turkey, and Hande Erçel to the character of the fierce and daredevil prosecutor Leyla.

In the cast of Bambaşka Biri, which will meet the FOX audience with its first episode on Monday, September 11; Cem Davran, Menderes Samancılar, Ferit Aktuğ, Begüm Akkaya, Berrin Arısoy, Muttalip Müjdeci, Gülçin Hatıhan, Aslı Orcan, Uğur Uzunel and Polen Emre also take part.

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Bambaşka series is on FOX every Monday at 20:00.