Öykü Karayel received an offer for the highly anticipated Kürk Mantolu Madonna!

Preparations for the film of Sabahattin Ali’s immortal novel Kürk Mantolu Madonna (Madonna in a Fur Coat) are in full swing.
It is a matter of curiosity who will be the female lead actress of the film Madonna with Fur Coat… For Raif Efendi, the leading male character of the film, a handshake was shaken with successful actor Salih Bademci. In the Turkish-German co-production film, it was brought to the agenda that Burcu Biricik was offered to Burcu Biricik for the actress who will portray Maria Puder, Raif Efendi’s youth love Maria Puder, to whom Raif Efendi is attached with great passion and love.
It was learnt that simultaneously with Burcu Biricik, Öykü Karayel was also offered. Who will be the Maria Puder of the period film, which has been planned to be transferred to cinema for a long time?