Emotional scenes in the TV series “Ne Gemiler Yaktım” deeply affected the audience!

In the second episode of Ay Yapım’s series Ne Gemiler Yaktım, which was broadcast on Show TV, the series kept the audience glued to the screen as the moments full of excitement and emotion increased.
In the final scene of the series, which arouses curiosity with its gripping story, Fidan (Devrim Özkan) and his daughter Zeynep (Melisa Duru Ünal) desperately come back to the mansion with Rutkay (Berk Hakman).
Directed by Altan Dönmez, with a story and script by Banu Kiremitçi Bozkurt, “Ne Gemiler Yaktım” stars Deniz Baysal, Devrim Özkan, Berk Hakman and Erkan Kolçak Köstendil, and the series stars Nazmi Kırık, Mert Denizmen, Onuryay Evrentan, Züleyha Yıldız, Melisa Duru Ünal, Onur Dikmen, Ata Çağan Timur, Süreyya Kilimci and master actors Macit Koper and Çiğdem Selışık Onat accompany them.
Yasemin, who was confused after what she heard from Rutkay, could not find Fidan and Zeynep when she returned home. Fidan, who left home, is forced to return to the streets with her little daughter. Meanwhile, Yasemin, who sees the scary drawings drawn by Zeynep and remembers the marks on Fidan’s back, decides to look for them.
Yasemin found Fidan and Zeynep in a park and learned about Fidan’s experiences. While the two return home together, shoulder to shoulder, Toprak, who follows Halil, begins to obtain new information step by step.
Toprak encounters Yasemin for the first time while wandering around the Nazarlık Esnaf Restaurant, and then examines the crime scene and mobile phone records. Thus, Toprak reaches Sinan, the owner of the vehicle Yasemin was driving, and interrogates him. While the circle is getting narrower for Yasemin, Rutkay, on the other hand, continues to do everything he can to get Fidan and Zeynep to return to the mansion.
Rutkay, who raided Yasemin’s father Tevfik’s house, faced a harsh reaction from Yasemin and cannot get what he wants. Thereupon, Rutkay becomes even more ambitious and uses the big trump card he has obtained.
Confused by what she heard from Rutkay, Yasemin cannot find Fidan and Zeynep when she returns home. Fidan, who left home, is forced to return to the streets with her little daughter. Meanwhile, Yasemin, who sees the terrible drawings drawn by Zeynep and remembers the marks on Fidan’s back, decides to look for them. Yasemin found Fidan and Zeynep in a park and learned about Fidan’s experiences. As the two return home together, shoulder to shoulder, Toprak follows Halil and begins to obtain new information step by step.
Rutkay, who has access to the camera records of the day Yasemin killed Halil, corners Yasemin with these images. Desperate, Yasemin cannot resist Rutkay. In the finale, when Yasemin returns home, Fidan is shocked to see Rutkay next to her. Rutkay takes Fidan and Zeynep by force and takes them back to the mansion.