İsmail Hacıoğlu returns to the screens with Taçsız Prenses series!

Produced by MF Production, directed by Volkan Keskin and written by Pınar Bulut and Onur Koralp, the Taçsız Prenses (Crownless Princess) series is getting ready to meet with the FOX audience very soon.
The cast of the series, starring İsmail Hacıoğlu and attracting attention with its name, also includes successful names such as Sümeyye Aydoğan, Tolga Tekin, Elif Kurtaran, Seda Akman, Mustafa Kırantepe, Feride Çetin, Merve Bulut and Merve Şen.
Considering that the success of İsmail Hacıoğlu, whom we have watched in very different roles not only in TV series but also in movies, in the movie Ayla is among the unforgettable, we can expect him to show an unforgettable performance in his new series as well.

The subject of Taçsız Prenses (Uncrowned Princess) series is briefly as follows;
In the series, Masal (Elif Kurtaran), who grew up with the tales of her dreamy mother Şirin (Feride Çetin) is trapped in a cold and realistic world when her mother is hospitalized due to heart disease. This situation turns her into a predatory, vicious girl who can do all kinds of evil. While the first person Masal will receive support from is her teacher Evgin (Ismail Hacıoğlu), things will turn upside down for everyone over time. Our hero will complete the unfinished tales of the other heroes of the story, one by one, while searching for his own fairy tale, and the closest person to Masal on this journey will be his dog Meatball, who never leaves his side…