Series News

Cansel Elçin joins the cast of the Yasak Elma TV series

The novelties do not end in the popular TV series Yasak Elma, full of intrigues! The series, which is one of the most successful productions of television screens with its

Cansel Elçin joins the cast of the Yasak Elma TV series
  • PublishedApril 7, 2022

The novelties do not end in the popular TV series Yasak Elma, full of intrigues! The series, which is one of the most successful productions of television screens with its 5th season, continues to drag the audience with its entertaining scenes.

In the series, starring Eda Ece, Şevval Sam, Berk Oktay and Biran Damla Yılmaz, intrigue and interesting characters continue to participate in the series. At the same time, the Forbidden Apple series, where separations are experienced, will surprise the audience with another surprise as it progresses to the 6th season!

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Produced by Medyapım and directed by Ece Erdek Koçoğlu, the leading roles in the series are shared by Şevval Sam, Eda Ece, Biran Damla Yılmaz, Berk Oktay and Murat Aygen. Sebnem Dönmez was included in the Yasak Elma series with the character of “Handan”. The successful actress added a different excitement to the story.

Yasak Elma - Eda Ece

After this surprise by the screenwriters to the audience, a new surprise emerged. A master name joins the series, which has so far been in the cast of many actors and has used the player circulation and story fiction very effectively.

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After Handan, this time Cansel Elçin will surprise the audience. It is already a matter of great curiosity what will happen after the paths of the bank finance manager and Handan cross.

Yasak Elma, which is expected to make the season finale at the end of May, again achieves very successful ratings and continues to connect millions to itself.