Ceylin’s confession in the Yargı series angered Ilgaz!

The popular TV series Yargı (Judgment), starring Pınar Deniz and Kaan Urgancıoğlu, continues to attract great attention in its second season. Ceylin’s confession in the Yargı (Judgment) series, which meets its audience with its 59th episode this week, stuns Ilgaz!
Ilgaz duydukları karşısında şok olur. İlk başta çok sinirlenir; sonra da bunu saklamayıp anlattığı için Ceylin’e teşekkür ediyor.
Now Ilgaz has accepted Ceylin with all her mistakes and behaviors. He can understand that he has good intentions and that he sometimes acts illegally to protect his loved ones. On the other hand, Ömer does not hesitate to cause trouble to separate Ceylin and Ilgaz.