Yurdaer Okur joined the cast of the series Yargı!

Kanal D’s TV series Yargı (Judgment) signed by Ay Yapım, that meets the audience every Sunday, came to the screen with its 42nd episode this week. Surprises came one after another in the series, which was also the scene of high tension moments.
In the series of Yargı (Judgment) in which Kaan Urgancıoğlu and Pınar Deniz share the leading roles, the fate of the seriously injured inspector Eren and the well killer Burak became clear. Lawyer Yekta, who has been in a plan since the beginning, showed himself in this event as well. Yekta, who darkened the evidence, did not stop there, Pars and Ilgaz complained about the prosecutor to the Board of Judges and Prosecutors.
Master actor Yurdaer Okur took part in the Yargı series after the Hakim series, with the character of Turgut, the inspector of the Board of Judges and Prosecutors. Yurdaer Okur, who participated as a guest actor, drew attention as the character who will shape the events with the new episode. Yurdaer Okur, who played the role of the legendary Prosecutor Turgut in the Karadayı series written by screenwriter Sema Ergenekon years ago, will appear before the audience as inspector Turgut in the Yargı until the events are resolved.