Series Analysis

Will the truth come to light in the 5th episode of the Ateş Kuşları series?

Will the truth come to light in the 5th episode of the Ateş Kuşları series?

Hande Soral, İlayda Alişan, Görkem Sevindik and Burak Tozkoparan star in the lead roles of the Ateş Kuşları series, which meets with the audience on ATV screens on Friday evenings. The fifth episode trailers of the series have been attracting a lot of attention for a while.

Ateş Kuşları, one of the most popular TV series of the season, will air on Friday, February 24 at 20:00 with its breathtaking new episode. While Çatal goes after Köksüzler in the series, Gülayşe takes her older brother Ali against her for Barbaros. Zıpkın, on the other hand, intends to break the Rootless vow to reunite Gülayşe with her father.

Gülayşe is determined to help all the children with the money she stole from Çatal. Seeing this stubbornness of Gülayşe, Ali finds such a solution that he burns Gülayşe’s dreams. But it’s too late now. He goes after the Köksüzler to find the fork money. He is closer to the Firebirds than ever before.

Related:  What kind of series is Ateş Kuşları? Who is in the cast of Ateş Kuşları?

Zıpkın is ready to break the Rootless vow in the mansion he entered with Mercan, which is hidden from Ali. As long as Gülayşe reunites with her father! Or will Zıpkın burn Ali and tell Nizam all the truth?

Related:  The new season release date of the Ateş Kuşları series has been announced!

Barbaros does not allow Gülayşe, who is homeless, to stay on the streets in this cold. He wants to help Gülayşe, but Ali stands in front of Barbaros. This time, Gülayşe is at Ali’s target for her love.

In the past; Zıpkın and Kara do their best to keep Gülayşe alive. It will not be easy to take care of Gülayşe without Mercan and Ali on the streets.

While Gökhan Ayiz sits in the director’s chair of the series, produced by Mehmet Bozdağ, project design and script by Ayşe Ferda Eryılmaz and Nehir Erdem; Starring İlayda Alişan (Gülayşe), Hande Soral (Coral), Burak Tozkoparan (Barbaros), Görkem Sevindik (Ali).