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What will be Aras Bulut İynemli’s new project?

What will be Aras Bulut İynemli’s new project?

Aras Bulut İynemli, who played the leading role in the TV series Baba together with Haluk Bilginer, has been resting for a while after the end of the project. At the same time, the series offer from Ay Yapım to the successful actor, who was waiting for the Atatürk series to be broadcast on October 29, created excitement. New backstage information about the series is spreading from ear to ear.

Apart from the six-episode Atatürk series, the actor, who took part in the advertisements and events organized for the Vodafone advertising campaign, of which he was the face, is spoken in the backstage where he received an offer from the Ay Yapım signed “Gaddar” series to be shot by the director Sinan Öztürk, with whom he worked for 4 seasons in the Çukur series. If Aras Bulut İynemli, who is dealing with a health problem in her family, which she cares about these days, accepts to play in the series planned for January, the series will be on FOX because it is the brand face of Disney.

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The meeting of director Sinan Öztürk with famous names such as Aytaç Uşun and Uğur Yıldıran from the “Çukur” team in a venue was interpreted as the first meetings for the new series. Hürer Ebeoğlu, who wrote popular TV series such as “Kaçak” and “Dila Hanım” in the past, writes “Gaddar”, which has already aroused great interest in the TV series industry.