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What kind of series is Ömer? Who is in the cast of Ömer?

What kind of series is Ömer? Who is in the cast of Ömer?

Star TV’s highly anticipated new series Ömer, produced by OGM Pictures, came to the screen with its first episode on Monday, January 9 at 20:00.

The successful director Cem Karcı sits in the director’s chair of Ömer, whose production is undertaken by OGM Pictures, who has made a name for himself with the projects he has made, while Gülizar Irmak is writing the screenplay.

In the series that brings together successful actors; Selahattin Paşalı plays Ömer and Gökçe Bahadır plays the character of Gamze, with whom Ömer will bond with great love. Zerrin Sümer, Gülçin Kültür Şahin, Onur Bilge, Gamze Karaduman, Serpil Gül, Muharrem Türkseven and Melike Güner play the main roles in the series, in which Barış Falay plays Ömer’s father Reşat and Merve Dizdar’s older sister Nisa.

Ömer 1. Bölüm Fragman (9 Ocak Pazartesi)

Synopsis of the of Ömer series is as follows;

Ömer series is about the love that Gamze, who returns to the neighborhood she left after years, and Ömer, the son of the mosque teacher in the neighborhood, will hold on despite all the impossibilities.

Years after getting married to a man her family opposed, Gamze ends her marriage and returns to her neighborhood with her son Tuna. On the one hand, trying to make her mother and sister accept her return, Gamze does her best to accustom her son to the new life order.

Feeling the tiredness of returning to her family home, which she left to create spaces of freedom, to the same confinement, Gamze falls in love with Ömer, who is younger than her. Although she has the courage to be with him, she acts cowardly at first under family pressure. While she is discouraged by her past experiences, she also tries to put her life in order.

Successful actor Selahattin Paşalı; in addition to being a muezzin in the mosque of his neighborhood, he appears in front of the audience with the character of Ömer, who works as a temporary religion teacher in secondary school. While Ömer is a humanist character with a rich inner world, who likes to paint, who is calm and concise, on the other hand, when it comes to his lifestyle and wishes, he can turn into a determined, resilient, brave and stubborn person.

Ömer, whose whole life changes in an instant with the arrival of Gamze in the neighborhood, cannot prevent his love for her despite all the difficulties he will face.

The cast of the series Ömer as follows

The cast of the series Ömer as follows;

Selahattin Paşalı as Ömer

Selahattin Paşalı as Ömer

Ömer is Reşat’s son. He works as a muezzin in his father’s mosque. Ömer is a graduate of the faculty of education, but he does not want to be a teacher and draws more. When Gamze returns to her neighborhood, her life will change and their rapprochement will turn into love.

Gökçe Bahadır as Gamze

Gökçe Bahadır as Gamze
Gamze, divorced from her husband and taking her son Tuna with her, returns to the family home. Gamze loved very much years ago, but her mother, Fatma, did not allow her daughter to marry. Gamze, on the other hand, did not listen to her mother and sister and got married. Gamze learned that her husband Haluk was cheating on her and she divorced her. As soon as Gamze comes to the neighborhood, she falls in love with Ömer, who is younger than her.

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Barış Falay as Reşat

Barış Falay as Reşat

Reşat is Ömer’s father and also the imam of the neighborhood mosque. Apart from Ömer, he has a daughter named Nisa and a son named Tahir. Reşat’s wife Ayşe passed away 1 year ago. Resat is a decent man; However, he could not make his daughter Nisa listen and ran away to his daughter Hakan. For this reason, he has not forgiven Nisa even after years.

Merve Dizdar as Nisa

Merve Dizdar as Nisa

Nisa is Ömer’s older sister and the daughter of Reşat, the beloved imam of the neighborhood. Nisa married her husband Hakan without her father’s permission and gave birth to five children. However, her husband Hakan never treated her well and in the end, leaving her with her children, she fled to another woman with the money she borrowed from Ömer.

Zerrin Sümer as Nezahat

Zerrin Sümer as Nezahat

Nezahet is Reşat’s mother and Ömer’s grandmother. As he is old, Ömer is closely involved in his care. He loved his bride Ayşe very much. After the death of the bride, Nezahat could not recover herself either. With the effect of his age, the pain in his body increased and his movements were restricted.

Onur Bilge as Tahir

Onur Bilge as Tahir

Tahir is Omer’s older brother. He is the eldest son of Reşat. Her sister has never allowed Nisa to marry, so she is very angry with Nisa. She is jealous of Ömer inside. He is prejudiced. He is very immersed in religion.

Serpil Gül as Fatma

Serpil Gül as Fatma

Fatma is Gamze’s mother. Years ago, he told Gamze that she should not marry Haluk, but Fatma could not make her daughter listen. In the last 10 years, although Gamze wanted to meet with her mother Fatma, she has not met her mother Gamze.

Gülçin Kültür Şahin as Nuran

Gülçin Kültür Şahin as Nuran

Nuran is Gamze’s older sister. She is married to Sadık and has a child. Nuran has taken care of her mother for years and is angry with Gamze for leaving her mother to him. Although Nuran seems like a tough-tempered woman, she has a great love for Gamze.

Muharrem Türkseven as Sadık

Muharrem Türkseven as Sadık

Sadık is Nuran’s husband and they have a child. He is very good-natured, affectionate and witty. There is a barber shop in the neighborhood. He is fond of his family.

Emre Taşkıran as Hakan Duman

Emre Taşkıran as Hakan Duman

Hakan is Nisa’s husband. Nisa made this marriage without her father’s consent. Hakan is a characterless man who wants to get rich the easy way but can’t do it. He deceived Nisa by saying that he was going abroad to work and ran away with a woman with the money he received from Ömer on the pretext of starting a business. When the money runs out, he has to go home to Nisa.

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Rüzgar Aksoy as Haluk Tezel

Rüzgar Aksoy as Haluk Tezel

Haluk is Gamze’s first wife and Tuna’s father. Haluk, a rich man, had a difficult time financially. Although he loved Gamze very much, he cheated on her and this situation ended his marriage. Months later, when Gamze’s mother Fatma calls her, she returns to the neighborhood and causes trouble for Gamze and Ömer.

Simay Barlas as Süreyya Kutlu

Simay Barlas as Süreyya Kutlu

Ömer proposed to Gamze, but Gamze rejected this offer. Having experienced a great disappointment, Ömer decides to meet with Süreyya. Sureyya has loved Ömer unconditionally since her childhood. This union will break down after a while and Süreyya’s revenge on Ömer will be bad.

Tayanç Ayaydın as Erdal Aksu

Tayanç Ayaydın as Erdal Aksu

Erdal is a doctor and knows Reşat Hodja from the neighborhood. Fatma wants to marry her daughter Gamze to a suitable person as soon as possible so that there is no talk in the neighborhood. Erdal comes to mind and they arrange a meeting. Although Gamze treats Erdal well, her mind is on Ömer. When he hears that Ömer is going to marry Süreyya, he accepts Erdal’s friendship offer. But this union will be short lived.

Gamze Karaduman as Şükran

Gamze Karaduman as Şükran

Mother of Adem and Eda. She is also Tahir’s wife. Although She tries to show herself to her family, she cannot make anyone like herself. She constantly tries to protect herself and her children against Tahir’s oppressive attitude on her family.

Çağla Naz Kargı as Emine

Çağla Naz Kargı as Emine

Emine is the daughter of Nisa and Hakan. When her father, Hakan, leaves her mother, Nisa, she takes all the burden to help her mother. Even though she is studying in high school, she always experiences the trauma of not being able to live her childhood and youth.

Metehan Parıltı as Tuna

Metehan Parıltı as Tuna

Tuna is Gamze’s only son. While living a rich life, Tuna had to go to public school after his father’s bankruptcy. Tuna never wanted her parents to divorce. Tuna, who has become a technology addicted child, is actually a special child who makes very special pictures. Ömer is a temporary religious culture teacher at Tuna’s school. Tuna quickly establishes a close relationship with his teacher.

Melike Güner as Çiçek

Melike Güner as Çiçek

Çiçek is a cook working in the soup kitchen under the mosque where Reşat teacher is the imam. He is a character who can instill love in everyone with the dishes he cooks. Since the day his brother died, he loves his nephew like his son. She sincerely loves Reşat and is trying to get his attention.