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Shooting has started in Selinay Taşol’s new project!

Shooting has started in Selinay Taşol’s new project!

Selinay Taşol, with her role as Emerald in Kanal 7’s popular TV series Kan Çiçekleri (Blood Flowers) has reached an important fan popularity not only in Turkey but also in the world.

Young actress Selinay Taşol signed a new feature film after shooting the first season of Kan Çiçekleri. Selinay Taşol went to Trabzon for the shooting of the movie Öğretmen (Teacher) directed by Bilal Kalyoncu, signed by TRT and AKC Cinema TV Production.

Related:  The final date of Kan Çiçekleri has been announced!

Sevilay Taşol, who plays the character of Gülsüm in the film, described her role with these words: “Gülsüm is the youngest of the Mısırekenler family in the movie… She is a Black Sea girl with her cute, energetic and yet rebellious nature. She is one of the protagonists of the love story where they try to bring the boy she loves and their families together despite all the disagreements.”