Series News

Özge Gürel will play the anti-terrorism commissioner in the TV series Sipahi!

Özge Gürel will play the anti-terrorism commissioner in the TV series Sipahi!

The ambitious production of the year, “Sipahi”, which will be screened on Show TV, produced by Mehmet Canpolat and Sadi Canpolat from CNP Film and starring Kaan Yıldırım, Özge Gürel and Kerem Alışık, is counting the days to meet the audience. Özge Gürel, one of the leading actors of the series, returns to the screen with the character of Anti-Terrorism Commissioner Canan Doğan.

Özge Gürel will be talked about a lot with her role as Canan Doğan, a successful police officer who has successfully completed all the operations she has been involved in, and who dedicates her life to her profession and the security of her homeland. The actor, who gave life to a police character for the first time, began to prepare for his role with great care months ago. The beautiful actress spent her pre-preparation period with an intense program, training in close combat, weapons and shooting.

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As for the subject of the series; The ‘Manager’ structuring, supported by the dark forces of the West, has become a clear threat to Turkey. Bloody terrorist acts are taking place in Turkey that will create chaos and lead the people to fear and panic. The Turkish economy is going through various tests, and the most vulnerable points of the country are subjected to cyber attacks through Metavarse, dark web, crypto communication systems and internet systems. This complex and complex enemy; It also actively uses a wide variety of groups within the country. The Sipahis of the National Intelligence Organization realize this danger and react quickly.