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Can Yaman is excited about the new series that will be released on Disney Plus

He made his big debut with the series “Erkenci Kuş” starring Demet Özdemir and after the serries he went to Italy. Can Yaman, who has been acting for some time

Can Yaman is excited about the new series that will be released on Disney Plus
  • PublishedFebruary 25, 2022

He made his big debut with the series “Erkenci Kuş” starring Demet Özdemir and after the serries he went to Italy.

Can Yaman, who has been acting for some time in Italy for his role in the TV series “Viola come il mare”, has signed a contract with Disney Plus for a new series to be filmed in Turkey.

The series, which will be released on the digital platform, will be accompanied by two female actors in the lead roles. The subject of the series, which will begin filming in August, has not yet been announced.

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Can Yaman is excited about the new series that will be released on Disney Plus 2 – Viola come il mare can yaman
The series, signed by Ay Yapım, will be directed by Uluç Bayraktar and it is said that it will be written by Kerem Deren. Very soon for the filming of the new series of Can Yaman will come to Turkey and staying here during the filming, which is scheduled to last four months.

On the other hand, Can Yaman recently appeared on the set of the TV series ”Viola come il mare” in Italy he was a guest of Federica Gentile on the famous RTL radio and he answered questions.

Related:  What will happen in episode 4 of Viola Come Il Mare?

“Viola come il mare”, in which Can Yaman appeared in front of the camera with the famous actress Francesca Chillemi will begin airing in Italy’s Canale 5 in March. Can Yaman will give life to a policeman named Ferancesso Demir in this series.