Birkan Sokullu will appear on the screen again with a project with psychological depth!

Birkan Sokullu deeply impressed the audience with the character of Han Derenoğlu, which he played in the TV series Masumlar Apartmanı. The series of Masumlar Apatmanı (The Innocents), which was broadcast on the TRT1 screen and lasted for two seasons, ended with the 71st episode.
For two seasons, the series of Masumlar Apartmanı (The Innocents) has become one of the most different productions in the industry, with its story, the success of the cast, and the strong atmosphere created. Birkan Sokullu, who played the leading role with the character of Han in this series, also gave a great effort and won the admiration of millions of viewers.
Birkan Sokullu became one of the most successful names in this powerful story that lasted for two seasons, with a performance that identifies with the character of Han he plays. After this success, the actress, who received many different offers, also determined her new project. Birkan Sokullu will also take the lead role in the TV series Ab-ı Hayat, prepared by OGM Pictures and will meet with the audience on Star TV in the new season, and will have a new opportunity for a new rise in his career. Birkan Sokullu’s partner in his new project will be Hilal Altınbilek, who plays Züleyha, the beauty of Bir Zamanlar Çukurova, who achieved great success for 4 seasons.