Der Partner von Alp Navruz in der Serie Cennetin Çocukları wurde bekannt gegeben!
At the beginning of TRT’s ambitious projects in the new season is the series Cennetin Çocukları (Children of Heaven) signed by Gold Film. It was previously learned that the leading male actor of the series would be Alp Navruz. The successful actor will give life to the role of Halil in the series. It was eagerly awaited who would become a partner in the series, which was eagerly awaited by Alp Navruz’s fans. The female lead actress who will play in the series has been announced.
The beautiful and successful actress İrem Helvacıoğlu will portray Halil’s great love Zeynep in the series where Ayça Bingöl will play the role of Cennet. İrem Helvacıoğlu, who is very popular with her character Nefes, played in the TV series Sen Anlat Karadeniz, was last seen on television with the TV series “Annenin Sırrıdır Çocuk”, which was broadcast on tv8 screens. The beautiful actress also shared the lead role with Engin Akyürek in the series Kaçış (Escape), which is the opening project of Disney Plus for Turkey.
Das Drehbuch der Serie, bei der Serdar Gözelekli Regie führen wird, wurde von Atike Hınçlıers Buch „Yürek Çıkmazı“ inspiriert. Es ist eine großartige Gelegenheit für das Duo Alp Navruz und İrem Helvacıoğlu, sich bei einem so wichtigen Projekt zu treffen. Die neue Serie mit dem Namen Cennetin Çocukları hat eine starke dramatische Geschichte und das Publikum wird von ihren vielen psychologischen Szenen tief beeindruckt sein. Die schmerzhafte Geschichte eines Mannes, dessen Leben durch Alkohol ruiniert ist, und einer Frau, die sich für ihre Kinder einsetzen muss, erweckt den Eindruck, als würde es sich um eine der meistdiskutierten Produktionen der neuen Staffel handeln.